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The new workshop....

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Why is it when you want to start work on the installation, it decides to open the bloomin heavens? it's absolutely bouncing down here and I'm fed up. however... the gerbils are having a field day. To them it's playing in puddles. oh well.

tomorrow the engineering lathe leaves. have had a great afternoon today though. have had some great news which means very soon. probably in the next few weeks I should have my new lathe.

(performs office chair dance no1)



keep up the good work there  cant wait to see the pics now sound really nice

Today I officially started work. well at about 4:30 this afternoon after being kept waiting on the lathe move. what a load of chaos that was.

the first amout of clad is in but I've so much timber to cut.


WELL...... It's been a long, drawn out day. Had to order more materials to complete the job. I'm half way through.

So far:

All walls cladded and reinforced.
sockets and channels prepared for casing,
floor prepared for stiffening boards, underlay and carpet.

work still to do:

Stiffen ceiling with cladding,
Lay floor boards, underlay and carpet,
final fix casings for sockets, etc.
install anchor beams to back end of workshop,
final finish: sand walls and ceiling ready for clear sealer.

After that. it's time to order the new lathe and get it installed, etc and of course the highlight of it all. THE HIFI!



--- Quote from: theblindwoodturner on June 15, 2011, 06:43:46 PM --- and of course the highlight of it all. THE HIFI!


--- End quote ---

Need any inspiration?

My spare room has a small p.a system that the mrs hates, is your workshop detatched  ;D


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