General Category > General Discussion

Who let the spammers in?

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I see they are busy today

yep I noticed this morning. well I say morning. about 1PM. reported to moderator. the wording is remarkably similar to those spam emails. All I can say to that is DELETE. not something I want to find violating a WOODTURNER'S Forum. lol

how's things?


Dave Atkinson:
All sorted now guys.

Been out for today.  most get deleted before they start but only if we're around to do the sorting!

Cheers Dave

Cheers dave.  it's really appreciated.

now it's time for normal service. series 1.


ALERT: SEOTOOLS is an active spammer. this user is attacking threads with the same comment as posted in his original thread. Global admin has been informed.

these bloomin spammers. they're like moths to light bulbs. can't get rid of them unless you use pesticides.

Spammer traps anyone?


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