General Category > General Discussion

Help Needed Urgently

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Andy Coates:
thanks for the offer BW...but the committee felt it was important to keep mods as working EC members at present...

if it changes I'll give you a shout

sounds a good idea.

how's things? still getting covered in shavings?



Hi Andy,  I've not used a wrong password today, mine at the moment is an auto login from a safe store.. it's also word, number an word again..  need I change it..    ??? ...  as ideas for new ones are getting thin on the ground..

Well done on all your good work.


Andy Coates:
The mods I've patched into the software seem to be working perfectly. Not one new spam registration over night, and one mod caught 2 jave and SQL injection attacks....these are automated attacks to register and post pre-prepared spam, so are the nasty ones.

This should mean that passowrds are now safe as they can't get close enough to attempt a username scan...

Well done andy and all. Proud of you. keep up the good work. Please could we request either 2 german shepherds or similar dogs as an extra defense?

lew and gerbil starting another morning's work.


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