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pewter metal

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hello all  i have got my self some pewter and going to try and melt it down  and try doing some inlaying with it   have any of you tryed to do this?
if so how do i go about it ?  really looking forward to trying this out

Andy Coates:
I'm not sure I'd be comfortable detailing the process on a forum Peta. Melting metals is potentially a VERY dangerous practice and if you don't already know the process and the safety requirements I would advise against starting without first getting experienced and qualified advice.


thats ok andy    i have been googleing it  as well  so i have a ruff idea  of how to melt it  safely  i was just wondering if any other on here have tryed it and has it worked out ok    or if they had any problems  with it

John D Smith:
I agree with Andy you should get some professional advice.Simon Hope works a lot in this material.He may be a useful contact.
                                                     Regards John

Dave Atkinson:

Everything above is correct.  However, it isn't too difficult,  but you need to be very very careful cos it is very very hot.  Eye protection is a must.  I suggest you get a copy of Simon Hope's first DVD "Hope for us all - an introduction to fine woodturning".  You can get this from KTMP (  It's a great DVD and Simon shows how he melts pewter and prepares a foot for a bowl.

I've worked successfully with pewter.  However, I understand that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to cast an insert in the finished piece as it contracts when it cools and falls out!    Make it first and then set it into your piece with two part epoxy.

Hope that helps.

Cheers Dave


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