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John D Smith:
Hi Everyone,As it is only 6 weeks away I thought I would ask Who is going to the Seminar? at Loughborough.This will be my
3rd Seminar it is a wonderful weekend I am so looking forward to it and I hope to meet many of you there.Regards John

Dave Atkinson:
Hi John

Some of us will be there in orange shirts!!!  Feel free to take the mikey but remember it'll cost you later in the bar!  Some of the team are known to drink a lot ::) ::)

John is quite right - it is a fantastic event.  If you haven't booked - get on with it - there still time.

See you there


Hi, it will be my first time attending too. I'm like a little kid, I can't wait.
Please forgive my ignorance but what is the deal with orange shirts? Do I need one?


Paul Hannaby:
I'll be there too. I'm looking forward to going.

Dave, the orange shirts are for the volunteers and organisers so the rest of us know to let them jump the queue at meal times!  ;D They all do a grand job and they are busy people so nobody minds.

Andy Coates:
I'm sorry to report that my orange shirt was washed by SWMBO and the colours have run with the pot of dylon black sock that was hidden in the wash   >:(


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