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 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

John D Smith:
Hello Everyone, With less than 2 weeks to go to the Seminar at Loughborough is anyone else going who have not posted on this thread it would be interesting to see the names of any more Delegates.Regards John

Sorry folks. can't make it for this one. This would be my first one anyway. Have work commitments with tool design works and further work on the workshop, so finances are tied for this year. I'll be up for next time hopefully as a demonstrator fingers crossed. Have to sort things out with the officials to AWGB lol.

have a good time.


I had resigned myself to missing this one but Wify's health has improved markedly so I am now a late entrant. Not overnighting though so anyone in need of a leg-to-pull, mickey-to-take, or face-to-insult I'm your man during the day. Look me up and I promise to act my shoe size rather than my age.

Dave Atkinson:
Hi Brian

Come and say Hi.  I'm the good looking bald bloke in the daft orange shirt!!  ;D ;D

Cheers Dave


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