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So this steel...wood Ekki, it almost broke my tools!  I eventually got it roughed to a circular shape, ready to start turning it, and powered the lathe off, and saw that the tear out was extreme, any tips with this wood?

John D Smith:
Hi John,I think I have some of this Wood I have not yet tried turning it.It seems to be a very dense and heavy wood I am told it is very dusty.Regards John

Dave Atkinson:
Hi John

Spooky or what?  I've never heard of it before but I got some last week and now it crops up all the time.  It is very hard and dusty.  Sharp tools seem to be a must.  I;ve just roughed it down (spindle) and managed to get it to take a male thread although the grain is a little coarse.

I have quite a lot of it.  if it turns out to be a beggar I may well give it away ;D

Cheers Dave

If your maybe going to be giving it away then i'd better get practising with it :)
I never refuse free.........anything!

Is that the stuff that when it takes flight from the lathe it lands with a loud 'Ekki Thump'? ;D


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