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Workshop's going up at last

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Philip Green:
End of day two.

The crew were on half day and they had a few problems with bits missing so we are not as far on as we had hoped today but they are bring an extra body on site tomorrow to get back on track.

Ordered the electrical bits, bought the floor varnish and the extraction equipment arrived from Axminster.

The first picture was taken first thing this morning from my bedroom window as was the second picture taken this evening.

They expect to finish building tomorrow so I will be able to treat the wood over the weekend.


Philip, the build is looking good and the extra bod, today should make up the time..  it sounds like, well is, a giant jigsaw in putting it together, hope the missing parts are there in it all.  As it takes shape, I wonder if the doors could have been to the right, you'd not have to back fill and make up or have steps into the shop, I know, the last thing I need to do is step up some distance that it is into my shop, more so with carrying stuff in or out, but your plans will come together.

You've mentioned floor varnish, is this the timber treatment, as for the floor you'd best have a non-slip coating, if not carpeted,  as shaving or any dust will make it slippery..

Hope it stays dry for you, given the wonderful Kernow climate at times.


Philip Green:
End of day three.

Three men on site today but a problems putting the finishing touches to the roof structure delayed things a bit so they did not get as far as they expected. Anyway, at least it is watertight and if the wood preservative that I ordered arrives tomorrow, we will be able to coat the outside over the weekend.

The electrical bits arrived but the trims between roof, walls and beams have yet to be fitted so I am unable to start the wiring.

The missing parts were a nuisance but they managed to manufacture replacements out of spare logs.

The door was intentionally at the left end as it is in line with the garden gate plus if it was at the other end, I would almost be stepping out onto the ceptic tank top which is uneven and could be slippery.

Still plenty I can do over the weekend.


Philip,  Has things come to a halt...    ??? ...   How is the build going..  Trust all is well....  Can we move in on the weekend...   ;) ...


Philip Green:
The contractor ended the week about a day behind schedule. Over the weekend, we managed to coat a bit over half the outside with the first coat of wood preservative.

Yesterday, the floor was laid and the internal trim was fitted. The rest of the roof shingles and trim should be fitted today.

I should be able to work on the floor tomorrow. I would start this evening but it's club night.


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