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AWGB Seminar

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Hello all. I have lurked in the background here for a while now but felt I needed to join in with the thanks offered to everyone who contributed to this great event. I was the fortunate recipient of a scholarship award to attend so I feel more grateful than most. It was my first visit and I was very impressed with the organisation, the cleverly orchestrated 'orange brigade' and the relaxed and helpful atmosphere. To add icing to the cake One of my gallery items was chosen to go walkabout. I'm still in overdrive. Thanks everyone. Love the compulsory name badge idea too.


To all those who in any way contributed to the Seminar, a hearty, ---Well Done and thank you . I must say I appreciated the very special help I was given , allowing me access on my Mobility Scooter , I was the one to be avoided !! .

Thanks again ,

Brian Gibbs

hello all,
           this was my first seminar and I thought it was brilliant. It was nice to see all the old faces again and to sit and to meet new friends.
    As I was trying to operate a camera for John Wessels I missed what it was that he put on the pewter before the copper sulphate solution. Did anyone take notes?

Paul Hannaby:
Hi John,
If I recall, John Wessels used two solutions, one was a black patina and the other was a copper patina - both available from staned glass suppliers. If you need a supplier, let me know.

Thanks Paul


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