Author Topic: AWGB International Seminar  (Read 67751 times)

Offline Dave Atkinson

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Re: AWGB International Seminar
« Reply #150 on: November 12, 2015, 09:23:57 PM »
Hi turningal

As Vice Chairman I don't have any problem with your comments.  I have heard the words such as elitist, only for professionals etc befoe.

I am an individual member and joined the AWGB in 2005 and the committee in 2009.

I am also a member of two former northern federation clubs.

I don't know why the terms of elitism etc grew up although I suspect they have their roots in ancient history, which should now, most definitely, be consigned to history.

Our president and chairman both make their livings from Woodturning and have given of their time, and expertise, and wisdom more times than can be numbered,  all freely and willingly.

The rest of the trustees are hobby turners.

The loss on the seminar was due to not enough people attending, and whilst it was regrettable we are taking steps to understand things before we start planning another.

Regional events are a possibility but they tend to be covered by clubs.  I (on behalf or the AWGB) took a stand at the Red Rose event in October.

If your club has an event and would like us to attend we will try to make it happen but there are only a few of us and we are spread out throughout the UK so it won't always be possible.  Contact your regional rep for an initial discussion.

If the clubs and members went their own way life wouldn't stop.  But all the good things which we have achieved - member development workshops, demonstrator training, the Let's teach turning course (which is free to download to anyone in the world who have access  to the Internet), the event grant scheme open to branches and clubs, the Roger Stewart fund - open to all, cheaper insurance etc etc would all cease and in my opinion Woodturning would be the poorer for it.

So it seems to me for some reason we (the AWGB) has given the wrong impression.  I hope this post helps to counteract this.  We are an association of members and it is open to anyone, anywhere.

Please get in touch by email if you have any queries  about what we do, and what we are trying to do.

Cheers Dave

Offline turningal

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Re: AWGB International Seminar
« Reply #151 on: November 13, 2015, 09:43:23 AM »
Thanks for not 'machine gunning' me, I am not anti AWGB, and certainly have met some very supportive members of the AWGB, especially during the time of the Northern Federation demise, I praise you for all that you have achieved, I realise that along with all organisations that you struggle to get folk to volunteer and give their time. My post was not a knock or criticism of anybody, although some seem to have taken it that way. I just expressed my opinions and relayed opinions of turners that I have spoken with in the past. I am not able to commit any more time to running my club than I do now, otherwise I might be able to give more time to the AWGB, but I work full time. The comment about 'would our club stop without the AWGB' was just that , a comment, I know all about grants, bursaries and training, and the work of the AWGB. Likewise the comment about 'Revolutions', I merely ask the question does our club or any other club  require a copy for each member? It's only a question for consideration.
Thank You.

Offline Mark Hancock

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Re: AWGB International Seminar
« Reply #152 on: November 13, 2015, 09:57:23 AM »
Oh my apologies to Mark Hancock for using the preface 'pro '  I''m sorry that seemed to cause offence, I should have said One National Organisation.

No offence was caused at all :). I was trying to express my confusion and puzzlement in written form at your use of 'pro'.

By the way there is another national organisation, the British Woodturners Association as well as the The Worshipful Company of Turners and the Register of Professional Turners

Offline turningal

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Re: AWGB International Seminar
« Reply #153 on: November 13, 2015, 12:59:43 PM »
Oh my apologies to Mark Hancock for using the preface 'pro '  I''m sorry that seemed to cause offence, I should have said One National Organisation.

No offence was caused at all :). I was trying to express my confusion and puzzlement in written form at your use of 'pro'.

By the way there is another national organisation, the British Woodturners Association as well as the The Worshipful Company of Turners and the Register of Professional Turners

OK, I give in.

Offline Mark Hancock

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Re: AWGB International Seminar
« Reply #154 on: November 13, 2015, 01:17:19 PM »
Oh my apologies to Mark Hancock for using the preface 'pro '  I''m sorry that seemed to cause offence, I should have said One National Organisation.

No offence was caused at all :). I was trying to express my confusion and puzzlement in written form at your use of 'pro'.

By the way there is another national organisation, the British Woodturners Association as well as the The Worshipful Company of Turners and the Register of Professional Turners

OK, I give in.

Please don't give in. It can only benefit woodturning as a whole if more that get involved, comment and offer suggestions, I was only pointing out that there are other turning organisations out there.

Offline fuzzyturns

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Re: AWGB International Seminar
« Reply #155 on: November 13, 2015, 04:33:15 PM »
To be fair to turningal, the RPT really is only for professionals, as is the Worshipful Company of Turners, and the BWA is a club for wood turning companies. The only national body catering for amateurs AND professionals (that I am aware of) is the AWGB. In consequence it is even more important that we (the members) are not seen as arrogant or contemptuous or anything along those lines.
I'd agree with Mark: don't give in and don't give up. My posts on this thread were not aimed at you, they were merely a general observation. If we cannot have a bit of tension in these threads, then nothing positive will come of them. There's nothing wrong with a bit of controversy, as long as we keep it on the civilized side.

Offline David Buskell

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Re: AWGB International Seminar
« Reply #156 on: November 13, 2015, 05:32:06 PM »
Hi Fuzzyturns, Just want to dispel one thing in your post. The Worshipful Company of Turners is open to all who wish to be part of the Livery. It is one of the great Livery Companies of the City and is ranked no 51 in order of precedence.. Check out:

There's one Freeman I know of who is a professional plus another Liveryman who is not.

At The Cutting Edge