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Seminar questionnaire

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--- Quote from: bodrighywood on November 08, 2015, 09:31:54 PM ---To have non members criticising, whether positive or otherwise and yet not prepared to actually offer help is, in my opinion, just going too far.
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So constructive criticism from non-members isn't welcome then ?
What sort of 'help' do you expect ?

If you think there are areas that you know more about than the ones doing all the work and can help, PM David, Andy or Paul and offer your expertise. Whilst I may agree with some of your observations the way that they are put are not helpful I am afraid. As someone who has a lot of experience in working in areas that need diplomacy and tact I am afraid that I ahve to say your way of putting things, however well meaning they may be, are not always helpful. Saying what is wrong is not enough, what could be done to improve and promote the AWGB are all valid observations but having a little insight into the workload of those doing it at the moment I would think that it would be a little more sensitive to offer your criticisms via a PM than voice them as you do publicly in a way that, though you may not see it, come across as simply criticism. Perhaps it is just the medium, things said vocally can be heard as they are meant, put into writing or online they can seem cold and hard.


Not very helpful in this situation I know, but I can see both sides of this 'discussion' If you really want to know 'Why people didn't attend the seminar' It might be useful to send out a question asking 'Why didn't you come to the seminar ?'

I am not trying to be flippant but I have a feeling the answers ( If you actually get any :) ) may surprise you. They may have nothing to do with the work that you did for the seminar.

'I am getting to old for that, I don't even turn any more'

'I'm on a small pension/minimum wage, I cannot afford it'

'I have been before, I cannot walk up those hills again'

'I have been out of work, other things come first'

'The wife would kill me'

'I am not good enough yet to come to that'

etc etc.


--- Quote from: Graham on November 08, 2015, 10:27:35 PM ---Not very helpful in this situation I know, but I can see both sides of this 'discussion' If you really want to know 'Why people didn't attend the seminar' It might be useful to send out a question asking 'Why didn't you come to the seminar ?'

I am not trying to be flippant but I have a feeling the answers ( If you actually get any :) ) may surprise you. They may have nothing to do with the work that you did for the seminar.

'I am getting to old for that, I don't even turn any more'

'I'm on a small pension/minimum wage, I cannot afford it'

'I have been before, I cannot walk up those hills again'

'I have been out of work, other things come first'

'The wife would kill me'

'I am not good enough yet to come to that'

etc etc.

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Actually all valid points. I remember your concerns about attending Graham which were valid and when asked about were answered.



--- Quote from: bodrighywood on November 08, 2015, 10:15:46 PM ---PM David, Andy or Paul and offer your expertise.
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That's email, not a forum.
I post my contributions openly so that others might agree or disagree and that the discussion might develop.

--- Quote ---Perhaps it is just the medium, things said vocally can be heard as they are meant, put into writing or online they can seem cold and hard.
--- End quote ---
Just read things as written, there's no hidden agenda here.
The worst attitude online is 'if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything' no one learns from that.


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