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Seminar questionnaire

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There was actually an obituary on the BBC a while ago, in memoriam of the Common Sense, here.

Mark Sanger:

--- Quote from: fuzzyturns on November 12, 2015, 04:28:42 PM ---There was actually an obituary on the BBC a while ago, in memoriam of the Common Sense, here.

--- End quote ---

Certainly don't want to take the thread off track so will keep it short. Totally agree, having read some of the woes on how hard it is to fill out a form your comments appear to have foundation. There is such a thing as paper and pen and if the two meet it can be quite amazing what can be achieved. Thankfully breathing is not a conscious act.

Since it seems to matter to some people I am a woodturner and for what it is worth, a committee member of a woodturning club. I am not an AWGB member although I once was but let my membership lapse as I felt that it offered me little. I would re-join if I felt that I would derive any benefit. I am not anti-AWGB and would like to see the organisation improve and move forward into the 21st century by appealing to a broader demographic.

I lurk here, usually without logging in but am rarely inspired to post however I feel that an important elephant in the room is being ignored.

It is interesting to note that UKIWS has been mentioned only once in this thread and in terms of it being a threat. I believe that if the AWGB treats UKIWS as a threat rather than an opportunity and fails to engage with it that will be mistake and one that they will come to regret. I have no connection with UKIWS other than as a person who has bought a ticket to their seminar.

Without wanting to take sides..... Has the AWGB booked a stand at the UKIWS event ?

The Bowler Hatted Turner:
karyudo said "I am not anti-AWGB and would like to see the organisation improve and move forward into the 21st century by appealing to a broader demographic. "
the question is how this should be achieved, we all know we need to appeal to a younger more vibrant audience but how we achieve it is the elusive part.


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