Author Topic: Seminar questionnaire  (Read 26910 times)

Offline John D Smith

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Re: Seminar questionnaire
« Reply #45 on: November 09, 2015, 12:42:00 PM »

 Hi PaulH,
              As I see it you have no understanding about the running of the AWGB and why would you not being a member you do not get all the

communications that members receive which are considerable.In fact I would go as far to say you know nothing about the constitution of the AWGB

or are even remotely interested. You just like sniping from the side lines.It is a good job all of the Trustees of the AWGB do not take your selfish

attitude "I am not working for Free"

I just hope all of the Members are not upset or put off giving their time by your comments I also put a lot of my time in to a branch of the AWGB

 I will now say this will be my last comments on this thread and quite frankly I think enough has been said. >:(


John Smith

Offline Graham

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Re: Seminar questionnaire
« Reply #46 on: November 09, 2015, 07:34:09 PM »
Just for future reference..... I am only 3 miles from the Toolpost and if asked I would be happy to man a small stand handing out leaflets.
I have learnt the first rule of woodturning.
The internal diameter should never exceed the external width.
Nor the internal depth, the external height.
Does that make me an expert now ?

Offline Mark Hancock

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Re: Seminar questionnaire
« Reply #47 on: November 12, 2015, 12:52:48 PM »
Just completed the questionnaire after reading through the posts above. Personally I can't see what all the fuss is about regarding the questions. Those questions to which a Yes or No didn't fully express my opinion I simply commented on in the box at the end.

Offline Paul Hannaby

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Re: Seminar questionnaire
« Reply #48 on: November 12, 2015, 01:17:33 PM »
That's what I like to see - someone applying some common sense! ;-)

Thanks Mark.

Offline Mark Hancock

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Re: Seminar questionnaire
« Reply #49 on: November 12, 2015, 01:24:49 PM »
That's what I like to see - someone applying some common sense! ;-)

Thanks Mark.

It's slowly been dying away but I think I have some left :)

Offline fuzzyturns

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Re: Seminar questionnaire
« Reply #50 on: November 12, 2015, 04:28:42 PM »
There was actually an obituary on the BBC a while ago, in memoriam of the Common Sense, here.

Offline Mark Sanger

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Re: Seminar questionnaire
« Reply #51 on: November 12, 2015, 05:28:11 PM »
There was actually an obituary on the BBC a while ago, in memoriam of the Common Sense, here.

Certainly don't want to take the thread off track so will keep it short. Totally agree, having read some of the woes on how hard it is to fill out a form your comments appear to have foundation. There is such a thing as paper and pen and if the two meet it can be quite amazing what can be achieved. Thankfully breathing is not a conscious act.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2015, 05:30:35 PM by Mark Sanger »


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Re: Seminar questionnaire
« Reply #52 on: November 12, 2015, 07:27:38 PM »
Since it seems to matter to some people I am a woodturner and for what it is worth, a committee member of a woodturning club. I am not an AWGB member although I once was but let my membership lapse as I felt that it offered me little. I would re-join if I felt that I would derive any benefit. I am not anti-AWGB and would like to see the organisation improve and move forward into the 21st century by appealing to a broader demographic.

I lurk here, usually without logging in but am rarely inspired to post however I feel that an important elephant in the room is being ignored.

It is interesting to note that UKIWS has been mentioned only once in this thread and in terms of it being a threat. I believe that if the AWGB treats UKIWS as a threat rather than an opportunity and fails to engage with it that will be mistake and one that they will come to regret. I have no connection with UKIWS other than as a person who has bought a ticket to their seminar.

Offline Graham

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Re: Seminar questionnaire
« Reply #53 on: November 12, 2015, 07:31:51 PM »
Without wanting to take sides..... Has the AWGB booked a stand at the UKIWS event ?
I have learnt the first rule of woodturning.
The internal diameter should never exceed the external width.
Nor the internal depth, the external height.
Does that make me an expert now ?

Offline The Bowler Hatted Turner

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Re: Seminar questionnaire
« Reply #54 on: November 12, 2015, 10:40:05 PM »
karyudo said "I am not anti-AWGB and would like to see the organisation improve and move forward into the 21st century by appealing to a broader demographic. "
the question is how this should be achieved, we all know we need to appeal to a younger more vibrant audience but how we achieve it is the elusive part.


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Re: Seminar questionnaire
« Reply #55 on: November 12, 2015, 11:00:27 PM »
Not my place to advise, but rather than adopting the at best patronising and at worst mocking attitude demonstrated by some in another thread towards the organisers of UKIWS for their lack of experience it might pay to acknowledge that they are engaging through social media with an audience with which the AWGB has consistently failed to connect and support them in their endeavours.

Offline MCB

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Re: Seminar questionnaire
« Reply #56 on: December 06, 2015, 11:07:14 PM »
I've  just come back to this thread and discovered the existence of UKIWS

This prompts me to ask - possibly naively - why the woodturning community needs two symposia.

I apologise if previous subscribers have already asked this question


Offline fuzzyturns

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Re: Seminar questionnaire
« Reply #57 on: December 07, 2015, 09:44:10 AM »
Well, I guess it's a free world, so in theory (and in practice) just about everybody can go and organise their own symposium. The proof of the pudding will be in the eating.

As to why, I think it'd be best to ask them directly. Not sure you will get a reply. I tried to contact them, and did not get one. Whether that is because they are too busy, or because they are not keen on talking to AWGB members, I do not know. Since John (BHT) is one of their demonstrators, maybe he can shine a better light onto that.

From what I have seen so far, I don't think that the two events are really comparable. UKIWS is selling a maximum of 30 tickets for their pro demos, and there is only one venue for these. This is a much smaller event, and maybe that's just as well.

Offline GBF

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Re: Seminar questionnaire
« Reply #58 on: December 07, 2015, 12:59:57 PM »
I have just filled out the questionnaire and have read this thread from the beginning. I have no intentions of getting involved in the arguments but will only say this if you want to change something you have to do it from the inside it is no good sniping from the outside.
I went to the Seminar a couple of years ago and enjoyed everything about it .The organisation in my opinion was first rate and the mix of Demonstrators a good balance.
The only reason I did not go this year was the distance as most of my life has been driving great distances and I am fed up with it.
There are obviously things about the AWGB that could be improved as with any institution but basically I think it is sound and a lot of work is put in by people for no reward.
Our woodturning club at Burnham on sea is a fully paid up member of the AWGB and in my opinion the benefits are great for example our insurance costs are covered by the AWGB,we get an annual grant towards a demonstrator and our members can go on free courses if the want to. Having access to an area Rep and lots of free advice available to members.
I could go on but there is little point. 

Regards George
The man that never made a mistake never made anything

Offline The Bowler Hatted Turner

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Re: Seminar questionnaire
« Reply #59 on: December 07, 2015, 03:09:18 PM »
In reply to MCB I think the country could do with many more than 2 symposia but the UKIWS will be a totally different animal than the AWGB one. It is being organised on different lines to an Association event and also by people with possibly different ideas than our Executive.  Each event will have the effect of raising the profile of woodturning in this country and that can't be a bad thing in my opinion. It may be more affordable to those that have always moaned about the AWGB one being too expensive, so I will expect to see those turners in June. But like all events regardless of who or what group are organising it you have to use it or risk losing it. I fully support the AWGB and have done so since the day I joined and now I am also fully supporting UKIWS.