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Pewter Supplies

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Dave Wilcox:
I have done a lot of research into this and although the price fluctuates like the weather changes and charges by different companies vary considerably, I have found a good supplier at a realistic price. Here are the company details for you:

Pewter Sheet Co. Ltd.
River Lee Road
West Midlands
B11 2JG
Telephone: 0121 706 2649

Try them out and see what you think for yourself, there is no minimum order. I have no connection with the company other than I make my orders through them. I am not on commission or the like, at the end of the day the choice is yours.

Dave Atkinson:
Thanks for the info Dave.  I think there will be many members interested in this after Jpohn Wessels demo at the seminar.

Cheers Dave

greg miller:
Further to Dave Wilcox's information, I asked Simon Hope, at the Seminar, where he had bought the heated pot which John Wessels was borrowing to melt his pewter in his demo. It can be bought from and it's listed as a Lee production pot IV (4). Cost is around £58.00 inc delivery & VAT. It's a really useful pot because it pours from the bottom, and the 'slag' remains at the top: because of this you don't need to remove or hold back the 'slag' from the pot before pouring, as you would if you were to use a normal crucible, pouring from the top.

Kranks are a gun shop, so I assume that the pot is designed to be used to melt lead for casting bullets.

Thanks to Simon, and good to hear from you, Dave.

Greg Miller.

Cheers Dave,
                  I've been trawling the net looking for suppliers, now I have one.
Dave (ATCO) did you attend the demo on sheet pewter use as I missed that one and would like to know how John W fixed the sheet onto the wood.

John D Smith:
Hi Dave, Thanks for posting the info on the Pewter Supplier any idea of the price. Regards John


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