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Favourite trader no longer trading...

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Andy Coates:
For those that don't know already there's sad and bad news...

Meantime design (and the gardening side of the business) are no longer trading.

Jon has served the woodturning community well for fifteen years but difficulties with oriental deliveries amongst other things has led to the company folding.

I'm sure you'll all miss Jon's stall at events and shows as much as I will.

best wishes to Jon and all the team for the future.


Dave Atkinson:
I'll second what Andy says - we'll certainly miss Jon at the shows.

Good luck Jon for the future.

Cheers Dave

Philip Greenwood:
Very sorry to hear this, I have dealt with Jon for a number of years.

All the best to Jon for the future.


John D Smith:
I am truly sad to hear this bad news Jon has always supported the AWGB in many ways he supported a Monthly competition we used to have on the Forum.Best of Luck for the future Regards John


It is to wish Jon all the very best for the future, whatever the path and the greatest of thank's for the past years.  Regards.    David


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