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failed lottery bid

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Hi all,
        My local club, Kennet & Avon wood turners failed in our bid for a lottery grant. We were hoping to buy a camera and projector for use on club nights like a lot of the clubs have, but we failed.
      I just wonder if there are any clubs our there with second hand equipment that still works that they want to get rid of at a very reasonable rate?
As a young club and in the present fiscal climate we are struggling to raise the funds, or does any one have any bits of advice as to how we can sort this out?

Andy Coates:
Hello John

sorry to hear your news. It does seem odd that some clubs receive thousands ans others nothing. I believe that the key is to stress the "community" benefits and any disability access benefits...but it's a little late for that now.

We don't have any spare kit otherwise you'd be welcome to it. What about an ad in the next Revs?


Philip Green:
Unlucky John

Did they tell you why your bid failed? I have always found them helpful in explaining why a bid failed and in one case when my last bid was rejected about five years ago because they had made an incorrect assumption, I succeeded in getting them to re-present it at the next assessment panel (held monthly) along with a small piece of additional information and this time it was successful.

Their advice to me on other occasions was to put in another application. Andy is correct when he mentions community and disability. I would also add young people. Your club constitution, which forms part of an application, must include the club's aims with regard to promoting woodturning irrespective of age or ability.

Was the application checked by somebody with the lottery bid experience? I have three successful bids under my belt although none were for woodturning. One of my clubs recently lost out but they had already had a successful bid previously so they had some experience. I don't know if it is true now, but in the past the lottery people liked somebody in a governing body to view and give their support to on an application before being submitted. Has AWGB appointed such a person?

Hi BTH, Andy and Statsman have given good advice. Our club was successful recently in getting a grant. We got our local  Association of Voluntary Services to make the application on our behalf stressing the social aspects,to the community, the fact that we catered for a number of disabled members and that all genders were allowed to participate.

Roger Groom:
Hi All
There seems to have been a change in attitude from the Awards for All team. Several years ago, when my club successfully applied for, and won, a lottery grant, there was not a club at that time, who applied, and were not successful. I believe the new Bury St Edmunds clubs application was recently turned down, and I believe they were told to apply for an Arts Council Grant. Please correct me if I am wrong. If you remember there was always articles in the Woodturning Mag with successful clubs giving a resume of their success. Maybe its the economic climate or maybe sheer profit making which is causing this change of heart. But dont give up, and as said, emphasize the young old and disabled aspect.
Roger Groom


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