Author Topic: Opinions?  (Read 6584 times)

Offline bodrighywood

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« on: May 14, 2016, 03:14:29 PM »
As a professional turner trying to earn a living |I am well aware that there are two different view points to look out for. One is the public which looks at things we do and either likes or dislikes, important to me and others selling their work, and then there is the opinion of other turners. When I post in a dedicated forum like this I hope to get honest opinions whether they be on the design which obviously is partly personal taste, or on the workmanship, originality etc. My question is this.....What are you looking for when you post your work and why is it that so often there are literally hubndreds of views and few, sometimes no responses, even when C&C is asked for? I stopped posting for a while simply because the same few people would give feedback, for which I am always grateful be it positive or negative. Is there actually any point in posting our work for just two or three responses?

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Offline GBF

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Re: Opinions?
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2016, 04:38:56 PM »
Hi Pete

I have noticed there are lots of views on a lot of the threads and whenever you look in there are people logged on but they all seem to be watchers not commenters.
What is the point of putting stuff up if nobody can be bothered commenting I like comments good or bad as I think most of us do.
I very rarely put pictures of work up now because it is the same few that comment and they are very much appreciated but what about the rest of you have something to say now and again.

Regards George
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Offline Gary Lowe

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Re: Opinions?
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2016, 07:15:46 PM »
Very good points made Pete and George, I agree totally with what you both say. As a keen hobby turner (one day maybe I might reach the higher ranks, lol) I appreciate comments either way, whether good or bad, we are all still learning one thing or another.
I have had comment/critique on things I have posted, maybe I don't agree with all of them as we are all different and all like different things, but I do listen and look at what I have turned and see if the advice/comment I am being given will improve my end results.
As you say the general public either like or dislike something for it's looks, but when posting on here or other dedicated sites this, to me is totally different.
I post on sites like this initially because I like show what I've done, but also to gain from the knowledge of others who have either being doing this for a lot longer than me or who do this for a living. There is still an element of personal taste but that aside the advice given is positive and is meant to help all achieve the best results possible.
As you know I have posted a few coloured H/F's lately, although they were good(I think any way, lol) there was room for improvement, and with the advice and critique I was given from a few of you guys (you know who you are, lol) I hope to have now made that little adjustment to make them more than just good from now on.
 As mere hobby turner like a lot of guys on here, when I post something it's not always the best feeling to have someone point out a flaw or negative aspect of my work, but thankfully I am able to listen and use that advice, if possible, to improve my future works. So when I put C & C's welcome I mean it whether good or not so good.
Ramble over, and once again thanks for the advice guys.



Offline GBF

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Re: Opinions?
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2016, 07:19:09 PM »
Gary you have proven you are open minded and ready take advise and the improvement is there for all to see .Very well done.

Regards George
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Offline bodrighywood

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Re: Opinions?
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2016, 07:23:32 PM »
That is what i think the forum should be all about Gary, i am not keen on people pointing out the faults in my work either but how else am I going to improve and all of us can improve IMHO. A novice turners opinion can be as valid as a veteran as wellas we all see different things.

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Offline Paul Hannaby

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Re: Opinions?
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2016, 07:25:41 PM »
In answer to the first question - I'm not looking for anything in particular when I post a photo of my work. I post it to share with others what I'm doing because I get the same from other members of the online community. If people want to comment, I'm interested to find out what they think and if they don't want to comment, that's fine too.

In answer to the second question on the number of views - many of them are the result of the same few who have participated in the discussion revisiting the thread to see if anyone else has commented so it's quite possible that in a lively topic, a few people can generate a large number of views.

Putting the two together - don't assume a large number of views has any bearing on a large number of people seeing your photo!

On the final question - is there a point? I think there is because there is benefit from sharing ideas but it's up to you to choose for yourself.

Offline Les Symonds

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Re: Opinions?
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2016, 07:39:14 PM »
A little over three years ago I posted my very first picture of my work and in those days I relied heavily upon the comments of our members, as a means of learning and understanding a great deal of what I now know about techniques, materials and form - to say nothing of professional and market preferences. Now-a-days I rely on the forum to help me to refine what I have learnt, although I equally learn just as much (if not more) by reading C&Cs of other turners' work.
I have noticed that there are several members who commented on my work 3 years ago, and are still commenting on it now; and I am very grateful to them for sharing their experience and expertise.....but I have also noticed that many of the regulars from 3 years ago, no longer frequent the forum, and I guess that's just human nature - some will come and some will go; and my grateful thanks go to those who have stayed.

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Offline GBF

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Re: Opinions?
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2016, 07:48:33 PM »
To be honest Paul I did not think of the possibility that the high number of views could be repeat viewings.
I do think however that there are a lot of members that could make a bit of effort and comment .A perfect example is the way Gary took on board positive critique and made huge improvements to his work.
I think the recent episode over safety is exceptional but most of the time critique is taken on the chin as most members know it is meant with the best of intentions.
I hope the recent episode over safety does not put members off posting.
I for one always like to see new work and new work from new members my critique is sometimes a bit blunt but I always try and be positive.
One thing I have learned is that if I think something is really bad and I just do not like it I don't comment.
Having said that it does not mean if I have not commented I don't like it I may well have just missed it

Regards George
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Offline hughie

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Re: Opinions?
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2016, 05:47:40 AM »
Well much of what you say is just life. Always remember Pareto's 80/20 rule

Which basically points that in any organisation 20% will 80%  the work/speak/comment etc  and with Forums its pretty much the deal.
It maybe not what we want or look for but its pretty well true in most things about life.

Offline The Bowler Hatted Turner

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Re: Opinions?
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2016, 08:59:07 AM »
There is another side to this. Can C&C make you change your work enough that all you end up making is what pleases other people rather than developing your own style? And what if there are lurkers out there that do not get involved? if we were having a face to face conversation there would be those that still would not speak up, but that does not mean that they like/do not like something, it just means they do not wish to comment..
     These last few weeks I have found that I am lurking here more than commenting but that is down mailnly to time constraints.

Offline Dancie

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Re: Opinions?
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2016, 09:00:11 AM »
As a newbie, and a part time newbie at that, I don’t feel that I have the knowledge or experience to make observations about other people’s work.

I have an opinion on everything and anything, of course, but unless I can understand what the individual was trying to achieve then I feel I should just observe and learn from others.

I will look at the gallery at least once a week, sometimes I’m inspired and sometimes I’m not but most of all I find it all of interest.

The same as going to a demo, you may not like what’s produced but you salute the person for doing it.
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Offline Les Symonds

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Re: Opinions?
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2016, 09:31:23 AM »
As a newbie, and a part time newbie at that, I don’t feel that I have the knowledge or experience to make observations about other people’s work....
...but you know what you like, Dancie, and that makes your opinion valid. After all is said and done, those of us selling our work, sell a fair proportion of it to members of the public who buy it simply because they know what they like!

« Last Edit: May 15, 2016, 11:29:37 AM by gwyntog »
Education is important, but wood turning is importanter.

Offline rick_dobney

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Re: Opinions?
« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2016, 10:13:51 AM »
Hi Pete and all
I do read just about every posting on the forum, however a good many threads develop into a lengthy discussion (for good reason) and if I'm not in a position to keep up with it then it seems wrong to chip in then not respond in a timely manner. I'm sure this will be the same for a good many 'readers'.

When I see a piece posted that particularly impresses or that I have something constructive to comment on then I will pass comment but only if I'm adding something new to the thread rather than simply echoing what has already been said by others.

Having said all that, while actively reading the postings, I do feel on the fringes. (Note to self.....must contribute more.)
With all groups, clubs, forums and associations, I believe that what you get out of them is directly proportional to what you contribute. I must apply the same belief to this forum.


Offline Gary Lowe

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Re: Opinions?
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2016, 01:23:38 PM »
Gary you have proven you are open minded and ready take advise and the improvement is there for all to see .Very well done.

Regards George
Cheers George for your comment and advice



Offline Lazurus

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Re: Opinions?
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2016, 05:41:22 PM »
My opinion is that I do not feel qualified to comment or criticise on the work of people who are far more experienced than myself and those criticisms or comments would be very subjective. I have produced items that I am very proud of only to have others give a mediocre response, I have also had items in the scrap basket that others have raved about. It is in the eye of the beholder or better still the customer. A hard one to answer as I again suggest it is very subjective.

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