Author Topic: The Dip Pen Wand  (Read 1601 times)


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The Dip Pen Wand
« on: July 13, 2016, 10:23:06 PM »
Hi everyone.

Sorry its been a while since I last posted.
Lots has happened including a wedding. I am now married to my lovely wife Rachel who is lovely.

But I think what your most likely to be interested in is the turning I have been doing.
So here is an interesting project.

I have wanted to sell my work at conventions like comicon for a while but found the cost to enter a bit steep.. especially for me.. (I am poor) luckily i had an idea for a product and thought it might be interesting enough to get backing from people on the Kickstarter platform. (Kickstarter is a crowd funding platform) This has been very successful and I now have enough cash to go to comicon and sell fun things. (not just dip pen wands)

 So the dip pen wand is a dip pen , a handle and a box. I think one of the secrets to a successful crowd funding campaign is good use of social media, But I hope a good product is also a factor.

The campaign only has 18 hours left to go . I hope you don't mind me leaving a link here for those interested in seeing more

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  • Phoenix Turner
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    • phoenixturner
Re: The Dip Pen Wand
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2016, 09:47:04 AM »
Interesting project / product, good luck with it, I hope it goes well.

Thank you for sharing this turning and beyond - social media + cloud funding, will be interested to know you progress with it.
