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I suppose we have all done this at some time

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It happened to me in the middle of a demo, then I wished the hole was in the ground and big enough to hide in.
I would turn the neck flat, sort out the ragged bits and finish the inside then cut the whole thing in half and glue it together at the neck and call it art!
John BHT

Roger Groom:
Hi John
This inspiration thingy has really got to you, hasn't it!!!!!
Roger G

Been there, Done that, Ashamed of the number of tee shirts!!!
Its worth consoling yourself with the knowledge that any lesson learned is far more valuable than the piece of timber that taught it.
That's what I keep trying to convince myself of anyway.

While on the subject here's an interesting tip I picked up from Stuart King..... Don't burn your disasters, hang them in the apple tree as bird feeders or on the workshop door with flowers in as permanent reminders of past lessons learned.
Better vibes next time

Hi Roger,
            I'm afraid that's not inspiration it's experience!!
John BHT

Annoying yes, but not a common occurance. It came about mainly to the fact my wall thickness device was not up to reverse angle under the HV and I persisted in vain confidence  :D The dumb thing is I have a laser set up all but complete, which would have done the job admirably.


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