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Arthritic Hand/arm supports

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Dave Atkinson:

A lady has contacted me about her husband.  He is a keen woodturner but has arthritis and presumably turning causes him some pain. (I;ve only had a telephone message so I don't know any details).  She wants to know if I could recommend any form of support or gizmo that may provide some relief.

I have no knowledge of any products.

Any ideas?

Cheers Dave

john taylor:
As a fellow sufferer I can sympathise but to be any help I would need more info about what his problems are.   There are lots of things out there some even work but it does depend on where he is having problems.


Dave Atkinson:
I'll ring her back later and get more info

Cheers Dave

Dave Atkinson:

It seems Phil has got severe arthritis in his hands particularly the right one and around the thumb.  I understand he has had some carpal tunnel surgery but periodically it flares up and stops him turning.

At present he is restricted to simple bowls because turning more intricate items is too difficult.

I wonder if turning left handed would be an option? 

Any guidance gratefully received.

Cheers Dave

Paul Hannaby:
Perhaps one of the captive hollowing rigs could be used for at least some of the process? I know none of them are what you would call cheap but they do reduce the forces needed to hold the tool.


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