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Alan Mitchell


Andy Coates:
It is with sadness that I report the passing of a well known and loved stalwart of the woodworking and woodturning world, Alan Mitchell. Alan passed away on Tuesday 29th November.

Alan was a past editor of Practical Woodworking magazine and almost a fixture at the large woodworking events such as the Alexander Palace and Wembley shows. Alan had been very much involved with the work of the Worshipful Company of Turners, not least at a number of Wizardry in Wood events where his enthusiasm was infectious.

Alan will be missed by many and remembered by even more.


Bryan Milham:
Thanks for bringing this to our notice Andy.

Another sad loss to the turning fraternity this year,

Philip Greenwood:
A sad loss to us all.


Mark Hancock:
Another very sad loss this year.


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