General Category > General Discussion

Turning aesthetics

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Paul Hannaby:
Hi Nigel,
You might find the acidity in the olive wood will cause your tool to continually rust. A different wood might be a safer choice.

Thanks for that Paul.  I wonder if burning the tang in will improve things ?  This particular skew is an old one I 'rescued' so I'm not too bothered but I'll keep an eye on it.


The main thing to remember is to enjoy your turning and make things you like or want to turn.

Bryan Milham:
I'm no metallurgist but I know that high heat affects metal.

To heat the tang sufficient for it to burn it's way into the handle (even if pre-drilled) I would  expect it to severely affect it but how, probably by annealing (Heating and slow cooling) hence softening the metal.

Maybe not something you want done to your handle/tool interface.

Whilst you would not want it too soft, having had a roughing gouge snap off at the tang, I would say that if mine had been a little softer then it would not be as brittle and may not have snapped, it may have bent a little.


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