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Gouge handles


When making gouge handles is it necessary to put any sort of hole up the end that is going to get the chisel or is it a 'heat the tang and burn it in' job ?  Some sort of starter hole would surely help and if needed what is the technique for getting a coaxial hole in the handle/  Is it done before or after the turning?

Help please :)


Paul Hannaby:
Hi Nigel,
Yes you will need to drill a hole first but drill it slightly undersize so the tool is a tight fit. For tools with tapered tangs you will probably need to drill a stepped hole using two or three different sized drills.

I usually drill the hole before turning the handle and use that to centre the blank between centres so that way you are guaranteed to have a concentric hole.
When finally inserting the tool into the handle, tap it in to get it started and then hit the back end of the handle with a wooden mallet, the inertia will make the handle start to move into the hole. Keep hitting until the tool is fully seated in the handle.

Thanks Paul.  I looked at my Record roughing gouge which seems to have a tang that is wide at the top and the handle seems to have had a couple of holes drilled alongside each other. it would make some sense to do this with another hole straight down the middle. I think I'll take the handle out before I finnish shaping it and put a hole in it :)



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