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Finishing question


If I use something like a cellulose based sanding sealer can I then use Danish oil or some other finishing oil to get a shine ?


Bryan Milham:
If I use Sanding sealer, I tend to use a wax on top of that.

I find oil works best if it can soak into the wood - at least a coat a day for a week, longer if you can. Then when you polish it up it will come up like glass.

Thanks dr4g0nfly. I can feel another one of those learn by experience moments heading my way :)


Bryan Milham:
Bigger than you can currently imagine. I spent years using sealer and wax before I discovered oils, about 18 months to 2 years ago.

Now every-time I look there are more types of oil to consider, you mentioned Danish Oil, and it's variant, Hard Wax Oil (it's got a wax in it) , or the old favourites boiled Linseed Oil, Teak oil, all these are based on Mineral (highly refined car) oils. But what about Vegetable, Seed (sesame) or nut (Tung, Walnut or Hazelnut) or a fruit oil such as Lemon Oil. Careful, some can go rancid!

Some are Gloss, some Matt and of course some in-between. Some are food safe (that's a whole new discussion), some need a couple of coats some need many.

Personally I'd suggest you start with 2, Danish for a high Gloss finish and Tung or Walnut for a foodsafe (salad bowl) finish. The lessons for the rest can come later.


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