General Category > General Discussion

SIP Planer Thicknesser Sprocket

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From your first question I would suggest material failure , far eastern manufacture the material could be anything ,your guess is has good as mine.
If you can get a mate of a mate to make you one I suggest en24t that will outlast the planer.
Good luck with it.

Dave Atkinson:
Thanks I'll keep you posted.

Dave, no matter where you live in the UK, there will be a model engineering club nearby (you know, the guys who spend 5 years building a miniature ride-on steam train and then run it round their gardens). These folks pretty much all have the ability to make sprockets of any size, and I am sure you'll find a willing volunteer there for a few beers.

Dave Atkinson:
Good idea.

Cheers dave

These sprockets are indeed still available as I have just bought some. I had the same problem as you. If interested then reply


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