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Tool handle ferrule

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I have turned a handle in Ash for an old skew I am bringing back to life.  I am intending to use a piece of 22mm copper tube for the ferrule and am wondering whether the part of the handle the ferrule will go on should be turned parallel but a little oversize or with a slight taper so the ferrule is squeezing wood as it is tapped on.

Any advice please :)


I can anneal the ferrule if necessary.


Bryan Milham:
When I use a bit of copper pipe I tend to make the tenon a snug fit with just a slight taper to lead the ferrule on. I've never thought about annealing the copper and making it a stretch fit.

The other thing that hopefully goes without saying is de-burr, the copper will form a burr which if used for sizing will give you the wrond diameter.

Don't forget to prick-punch the ferrule with a centre punch at say 120 degrees.

Tony Malin

Hi Nige
I like to clean the copper ferrule with abrasive to instill a little heat (and expansion) into it before pushing it on gently with the tailstock. Another wheeze is to lightly cut the surface grain, right up close to the handle, so that any tiny shaving removed by the copper will fall away rather than become a fixed eyesore for evermore.
I also favour a straight-from-the-abrasive finish and allow my hands the final polish. This may not be as good looking, as the more usual shine but gives me a much better 'feel' in use.
Handles are also a good time to play around with burning, texturing and colours so that each handle is instantly recognisable among the shavings.
Now there's a few new thoughts to be going on with.... ;D
All the best


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