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--- Quote from: George Foweraker on February 01, 2012, 01:03:43 PM ---Hi David.
If you have been buying tools sinse you were 96 how old are you now. ;)

Regards George

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It must make it about 112 ...      :o .....    :) .....

Hi Bob
I was a boy scout and for my sins I have to do a good turn every day. Not always successful.

Years ago there were 2 Graduates (lathes that is) in the local Tech college, and I remember someone managed to wreck the bearings on one of them.

Pondering your problem, I think you need to explain the problem(s) with your lathes more clearly.
I think there could be four. (A) They are virtually completely wrecked (B) The bearnigs are damaged. (C) The motor doesn't start.
(D) The drive belts are loose or missing.
With answers to these and anything else you can say, I think some advice will be forthcoming.

Incidentally does someone know if there is a firm which still deals in these machines?

Tony Malin

Many thanks for all the replies on here.
I have put a plug on one of the lathes and it seems to work fine.  :o
The other is still waiting attention. How do I know if the bearings are ok ? I only ran the lathe for a very short time as, I wasn't sure about the degree of lubrication in the bearings, although it did run very smooth and quiet, I suppose the best thing is to listen to the bearings using a screwdriver/rod as a sort of stethoscope thingy and listen for any rumblings. :-\
As far as chisels go, when I bought one of the lathes it came with a box of about 20+ chisels plus 2 chucks, couple of faceplates and, spare belts. Also what I believe is the original coloured poster that used to be on the wall in school workshops.Oh, it also has the wooden shute type thingy (technical term) for the chisels when not in use.

I have today received a quote for re furbishing one of them and fitting Variturn speed control for just under £4000 !

Guess what ? I'm going to grease up the bearings, assemble the beast in it's final position and have a go ! And then see if I need speed control which I will fit myself. ;D Watch this space - after my hols next week !  P.S. Anyone want the other one ?

Bryan Milham:

--- Quote from: BOB A JOB on February 01, 2012, 05:51:52 PM --- using a screwdriver/rod as a sort of stethoscope thingy and listen for any rumblings.
--- End quote ---

Yep, that's known as an Acoustic Stethoscope.

Have you yet found someone nearby to help you, club or other turner?

 8) ...  Sounds very much as to you have a good result, next up to put some wood on and make some shaving ...   ;D ...  well done.  WOT Hols too ..  ??? ..


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