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Magic wand for a very special witch

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I'm not very good at getting links onto the forum but have a look on youtube at"Magic wand for a very special witch"
I'm surprised he can still count to ten!!
John BHT



And yes, I couldn't watch longer than a minute!

John D Smith:
Hi John(BHT) Don't let Dave Atkinson our Safety Officer watch this he won't be able to sleep. :o Regards John

Dave Atkinson:
Hello John, I had a look this morning.  It won't stop me sleeping ;D ;D

The man is an idiot. 

Trouble is - I often hear new turners, especially, saying "I saw this on you tube, what do you think?"  We can only hope that most people are not daft enough to try using a saw like that!

Cheers Dave

A lifetime ago I was stationed on a fire station which shared space with the ambulance boys. One of their calls was to a chap who had used a power saw to cut a sheet of ply ON HIS LAP ???
One of the first things you learn in the emergency services is that those 'don't-be-so-daft-no-one-can-be-that-stupid' people do actually exist ???


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