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Magic wand for a very special witch

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Oh dear, the 2nd one was posted 1st march 2012 ...  is she still alive, from the comments there it was advised for her to seek help, lets hope she heeds it.


Nancy has had her day ....  youtube has thankfully removed them ... 


In a way I'm sorry Nancy has been taken down. I was proposing to alert our safety officer to her antics.

However, I have to report the danger of taking cocodamol before entering the workshop, especially if you intend to use a Stanley knife. It can be nearly fatal.

My few fans will be relieved to know it wasn't me.

Tony Malin

PS  Was the Nancy episode a scam?

John D Smith:
Hi I had mixed feelings about posting this I do not think we should give STUPID IDIOTS like these further publicity.
                                          Regards John

Evolution is a wonderful process, this idiot most likely will not live long.  Sad part is there are people that care about him, maybe even depend on him.  The only good thing about this video clip is that it is a good example of what not to do.  I too could not watch more than a minute.


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