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Nova Chuck Key


Roger Groom:
Hi All
Anyone got any idea where I might aquire a replacement chuck key for the early Nova chuck. Not the hex one, the awkward one before that. I have contacted Record, who are now the agents for the Supernova and they say they are not available any more. I know this topic has arisen before, but cant find the thread. Mine went down the tip with a bag full of shavings etc. Happy days.
Roger Groom

John D Smith:
Hello Roger is it the "C" type you are looking for? if so I will ask around.Enjoy the Eli Asivera demo on Sunday. Regards John 


You could try direct, see below.

John D Smith:
Hello Roger, Did you manage to get the Nova Chuck Key? Regards John

Roger Groom:
Hi John and all
Thanks for the replies. Seeing as I had owned the chuck for many years. I treated myself to the new Supernova and have sold the old body only, to another turner who has not lost the key to his. I have the patriot chuck as well so all the jaws fit. Eli's demonstration was superb and full thanks to Tudor Rose for a brilliant day out. Well worth the trip.
Roger G


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