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New member introduction

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Thank you all for the warm welcome.

When I ever return to the UK on a permanent basis I will certainly return to the FoB Woodturners.  I believe that you can only practice a technique once you have been shown it initially.  The only way to do that is to learn from the masters.  Its just like chess - you can only get better by playing a better opponent.

It would be nice to meet with a few local turners.  Tales of sheds, tea and pies to follow I hope.

I have been looking at some of the latest 'must have' tools including the Easy range of carbide tipped chisels and the Hunter range but there is nothing new under the sun and as you acknowledge its just practice that develops technique.  I am a Chef and I only need a few basic knives to prepare a meal.  I imagine turning is the same.

Thanks again for all your comments - the interaction has already begun!

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeell Gary.
It seems to me that as you're a chef who wants to turn and I'm a turner who likes to eat perhaps we should get together?? ;D

Bryan Milham:
Gary, I'd like to add my welcome to you as well, and while your living and working abroad - keep your eyes open for bits of interesting timbers, you'll thank yourself eventually.


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