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chuck question


I have a 2002 Multistar Duplex chuck.

Are Cole Jaws available for this model?

I have searched on line and not seen any and looking at the chuck there doesnt seem to be a way of attaching the Cole Jaws to the chuck.

Any assistance gratefully received.

Bryan Milham:
I've never seen a set of Coles Jaws for any compression fit chuck, they tend to work only with scroll chucks, but I am always prepared to be proved wrong.

I can recommend the making of a Longworth Chuck - developed by an Australian turner. I have one I made for large platters etc. but have seen them down to the 8" (200mm) size. They are not hard to make although a router definitely helps.

All you need is a spare faceplate for your thread.

Thanks for the reply.

I will try to make the Longworth chuck but seems a little above my skills with a router.

I am sure with some patience and a little methodology I will complete it.

Looks like a perfect alternative to a set of Cole Jaws.

I wonder if you have considered trying an MDF faceplate and double sided sticky tape (if you need to get right up to the centre of your piece) or polystyrene (or similar friction material) sandwiched between the MDF and workpiece, held in place by the tailstock?
Industry do a really fine job of convincing us that their (expensive) products are the only way to go whereas inititive and offcuts are usually free!
Hope that helps a bit


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