Author Topic: Lichtenberg - reminder  (Read 7455 times)

Offline John Plater

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Re: Lichtenberg - reminder
« Reply #30 on: August 30, 2018, 11:42:08 AM »
I come to this thread late on having been otherwise engaged. I am with the AWGB on this one. There is a written policy which has been applied. End of. If discussion is deemed necessary it should be in a context not governed by that policy. AWGB "personnel" are probably all volunteers and have a position given to them by the membership. That is qualification enough. If things need to be altered I am sure that there is a process.
Googling a topic requires the individual to be proactive. They accept the risk for themselves. Reading about a topic in a forum of this nature and following up on it is reactive and the source of the information carries some of the risk. The AWGB should not be placed in that position.
ATB John 
If I had a better lathe, I would be able to show my ineptitude more effectively.

Offline The Bowler Hatted Turner

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Re: Lichtenberg - reminder
« Reply #31 on: August 30, 2018, 12:17:35 PM »
I do not ask for or expect apologies from anyone. All I will say though, and this will be my last comment on this thread, is that until such times that there is a unit approved by a UK based standards agency as being safe for use in this decorative technique that is conducive to the electricity supply commonly used in this country I will maintain my stance on this. It is not worth having any type of machinery that does not meet the UK's strict levels of safety just for a decorative effect. I do not understand how this type of machine will ever be safe to use as the very nature of it means there must be an open circuit which is a dangerous thing to have anywhere let alone in a workshop.
 I went out today to order some abrasive paper from one of my suppliers, talking to a chap there he asked what I did, told him and he mentioned that his brother turns for a hobby and has been "playing with" burning wood with electricity. Apparently he stopped as he thought it too dangerous to carry on.
I am afraid that there will be another fatality in this country caused by this, and one more is one to many. I very much doubt if anyone here has the intention of making and marketing a machine to meet the UK safety standards, but when a person has their interest piqued by ill informed discussion and they start mucking about with electricity and water(!!)no good will come of it.
  I do not point the finger at anyone but I will point out that we all share a responsibility of care when we speak and post publicly about woodturning matters, we should be doing our level best to help prevent another accident rather than aiding its procurement.

Offline Paul Hannaby

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Re: Lichtenberg - reminder
« Reply #32 on: August 30, 2018, 12:58:14 PM »
Reference to a particular manufacturer and / or links to the source breaches the policy I referred to earlier
Actually it doesn't. Maybe you should read the detail of what you've posted yourself.

The forum user agreement says "or any links or information relating to where equipment can be obtained"

It also says "Please note that the decision(s) of the moderating team are final and not open to debate on the finer points of interpretation of the terms."

I have full confidence in John's ability to act as H&S coordinator for the AWGB. He has many years of relevant experience and knowledge which make him more than qualified in my view.

I also have qualifications in electronics engineering and electrical safety and have applied what I know about UK/European electrical safety standards in forming my personal opinion on these machines and I fully support the AWGB policy.

Offline Dave Brookes

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Re: Lichtenberg - reminder
« Reply #33 on: August 30, 2018, 01:22:24 PM »
Well, I wasn’t going to get involved with this having read it all earlier today but I must say that having been a NEBOSH qualified Health and Safety Manager, I have always had the greatest respect for BHT and continue to do so.  H&S is basically good old common sense; yes, I might have a formal qualification but all that does is enable me to relate to the correct legislation to make an informed judgement on which to make a decision.  In this case, common sense has prevailed with BHT’s comments.  It is sometimes a matter of perception with some folks, with a chainsaw the dangers are fairly obvious and people are wary but with electrikery, you can’t see where the danger is!
For my part, this equipment can stay the other side of the pond.

If APH knows such a lot about H&S, maybe he would like to assist John in his Safety roll.


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Offline APH

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Re: Lichtenberg - reminder
« Reply #34 on: August 30, 2018, 01:51:42 PM »
with a chainsaw the dangers are fairly obvious and people are wary but with electrikery, you can’t see where the danger is!
You might think that, but You Tube has plenty of examples of terrible practice.
If APH knows such a lot about H&S, maybe he would like to assist John in his Safety roll.
My expertise is in very different fields of H&S and the unpredictability of my job means I'm unable to commit to any sort of regular meetings. Sounds like you'd be better qualified anyway.

Offline APH

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Re: Lichtenberg - reminder
« Reply #35 on: August 30, 2018, 01:57:48 PM »
The forum user agreement says "or any links or information relating to where equipment can be obtained"
Although that isn't in the original posting on LP is it ?,4897.0.html

Offline John D Smith

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Re: Lichtenberg - reminder
« Reply #36 on: August 30, 2018, 08:38:00 PM »

 APH I have toyed with the idea of answering you on this thread but decided I needed to the 2 members you seem to be criticising the

 most are BTH and Paul (Chairman of AWGB) both who have put a tremendous amount of work within the AWGB all voluntary this

 organisation would not be the success it is without Members who dedicate themselves to help members and without them you and I and
 hundreds of others would not reap the benefits So get off their backs and shut up enough said.

                                                                   Regards John 
John Smith

Offline Paul Hannaby

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Re: Lichtenberg - reminder
« Reply #37 on: August 31, 2018, 12:02:19 AM »
As this discussion has strayed far from the original topic I think it's time to lock it before things get out of hand.