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Woodturning clubs and Minutes of Committee meetings

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My woodturning club, that has to remain anonymous for fear of breaching "policy", has a policy of not publishing the minutes of committee meetings. A search on the web reveals many clubs and societies that both print and post their minutes on the web. Does your club have any policies or rules in relation to this or are there no secrets? Does the AWGB have any thoughts on the matter?

John D Smith:
Hi csbrown7, I would say the club probably has a set of rules/constitution where this may be stated I would think this is up to the "Club" and not a policy of the AWGB to get involved, assuming your Club is a member of the AWGB? I would personally think this is something you or other members could raise at your AGM.These comments are my personal view.Regards John

John thanks for that. Those are your personal views, fair enough. So, I take it you are not answering officially on behalf of the AWGB? The club does have a constitution which does not cover this fact. It has no written policies, thank goodness, I wouldn't want to see that. Though it was agreed that this would be the policy at a previous AGM. I cannot personally see any justification for refusing to publish them. What does your club do John?



Thanks. A very reasonable and sound approach with which I can find no argument. I feel like I know you already! I have seen some of your work locally displayed last year and have thought about coming along to your club as it's quite near to where I live. Also we use the same man for our sandblasted projects, Simon  at Rooksbridge. He didn't give away too many secrets!! I may well be in touch.


Roger Groom:
I cannot understand why your club does not make the minutes available. I was always under the impression that these minutes have to be proposed and seconded at the following years AGM. So why the secrecy. My own club makes our minutes available on our website in the members only area and provides a full copy at the following years AGM. Is it not done, just to save printing costs?? Lets hear the opinion of someone from the AWGB. Please.
Roger G


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