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The wierdest commision.......or do you know better?

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John Plater:
I received a commission from a person of mystical disposition to turn out the centre from a log and drill holes through the sides for the fairies to enter.
ATB John

i consider that a weird reason behind the commission but a normal commission...

it will depend as to what you consider weird i suppose, i got asked for a 12' maypole that is currently down in hastings.

i've also had to sand and oil some real tennis racquets for a trophy.

I had to make some pie dishes for a chef because he reckoned the pies tasted better when cooked in a wooden dish. Never tasted them so can't argue LOL.


.....enjoyed t :-hese postings - thanks fellas - Jim

 :) ;) :D ::)

Well I made some wands from (real) elder wood.  Had to improvise a bit for the phoenix feather core with layers of red/orange/yellow dyed veneer glued into a sandwich with the elder before turning.  But looked pretty good!  Supplied to nephews against a promise not to turn anyone into a furry animal...


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