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Seeking advice

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On Tuesday last week I received a phone call out of the blue, from the event organizer of a local club, asking me whether I could do a full day demo on Sunday, since the turner they had booked was not contactable, their website was down, and only after frantic calling around it emerged he had suffered a heart attack (not sure how long ago this was).
I said yes, and delivered the demo yesterday. It went OK, but as always there are things I could have done better.
I am now faced with a little ethical dilemma: clearly the other turner, who is a member of the RPT, has suffered a serious health setback, and has lost income. So for me the question arises whether I should share my earnings of the day with that turner?
Any comments welcome.

There isn't really a right or wrong decision in this. If you did share then that would be a great thing to do from an ethical point of view but IMHO as you did the work accepting the fee for yourself isn't a bad thing either. Only you and your conscience can decide really.


The Bowler Hatted Turner:
Fuzzy your ethics are to be admired just for thinking this way. I do however feel that you should accept the fee as you were the demonstrator, it is unfortunate for the professional turner but we all know the risks of being self employed. Do not over think this, you did the work and you should be paid for it.

If the other demonstrator had put you forward then it could be argued that they deserve a commission for acting as an agent - but they didn't

Do not feel guilty and accept the fee.

It is unfortunate that the original demonstrator had health problems and no one would wish that on anyone. Whoever it was I hope they have a good recovery.

You had to arrange and prepare even though it was a very short time to do so, as well as having to travel to them even if it was local.


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