General Category > General Discussion

What woods are these please ?

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Many Thanks for that. The milliput chipped as I was turning it but I'll clean it up when I get some more.

Hi Aiden,

Just read your post and looked at your images; your first one shows that the tea-light is sitting directly in the hole you've made in the wood and is also a very 'tight fit' with the wood.  Am I correct?

If so, I politely suggest you have a read of some very good posts on this forum that contain very helpful H&S advice and guidance about fitting tea-lights and candles into wooden products in a safe and practical manner.

Use the Search facility and "What price safety" and "H&S in our products" for starters.

If I'm wrong with the image, my apologies.

Doug Barratt:
The bowl looks like cherry to me & Idigbo for the tea light holder


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