General Category > General Discussion

Red Pen Blank "wood"

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Twisted Trees:
Yes I was, I put the Manta Ray box in the competition. Will be there in December too if possible, it clashed with a funeral this month.

I can't make the December meeting as it clashes with our club Quiz and Refreshments night, hope to see you again in the New Year.

what about padauk ?


--- Quote from: crazylegs on November 30, 2019, 06:38:55 PM ---what about padauk ?

--- End quote ---

Invented for turners with masochistic tendencies. Evill stuuf. LOL


The Bowler Hatted Turner:
I tend not to use CA glue as a finish. The fumes are no good for your lungs to begin with (have you ever seen how they "lift" finger prints on CSI?)and there is also the danger of sticking your fingers together or glueing bits of paper to your work but.....after a while CA finishes break down and leave an unsightly mess. They are not designed to be used as a finish. Better off dyeing a piece of wood once the turning is finished, wood dye or ink is very good and then use a cellulose sealer and melamine but dye them both with the ink or whatever. That way you get a better depth of colour.


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