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New to turning, Tools ?

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I have come across woodturning and have found myself watching tons and tons of videos on making bowls and pens etc. I am a builder by trade so have a bit of a knack with using my hands and so i though i would give it a go! however after skowering the internet in search of where to begin i have come up with nothing :/ i dont want to spend a fortune on tools and a lathe as i will only be making vases, bowls and little cups for family and friends.
I was hoping someone would be able to direct me in the right direction as to what to get for starting out.
What type of lathe
Tools required
extractor or no extractor ?
Grinding stone for sharpening and anything else that you guys think i would need to make my first bowl! i have a wood turning shop not far from me but they said £1500 to get started -_-
Im 22 and dont have that kind of money at the moment.
Any info would be a muchly appreciated! Thanks Callum :)

Dave Brookes:
Hi Callum,
Others may echo my advice but the best thing you can do is pay a visit to a local club.  Have a look on the AWGB website and find one near you.  There will be a wealth of experience and advice available and maybe lathes you can try your hand on.  I wouldn’t go spending any money until you have done this as it is likely to be cash unwisely spent.


Where do you live and what is your budget   Regards George


--- Quote from: GBF on December 04, 2019, 11:18:21 PM ---Where do you live and what is your budget   Regards George

--- End quote ---
As i said i do have a woodturning place near me on the AWGB website and ive been today but didnt seem very helpful.
budget would be 500-800 i think ?

Twisted Trees:
Start Here find your local club get along see what is available in your area.
Second hand lathes exist if you have a van to pick them up, as do sharpening systems and tools. Some time at your club will hopefully get you a hands on and a better idea of where you want to jump in, and maybe even a link to local second hand kit to get you started.

I would hate to sort out how much I have spent on Woodturning over the last decade, but it has been money well spent mostly thanks to the local AWGB and some local turners that let me play with their toys before I started collecting my own.

But as a starter for you...

Any lathe will do, but size weight, motor power will depend on what you want to make, I would recommend that you get a variable speed version but that has been pretty common for over 20 years now so lots to choose from.

Some form of jig based sharpening system will be handy especially in the early days, but a cheap 6" grinder will do with practice.

You will need a Roughing Gouge, a Bowl Gouge, a Spindle Gouge a Skew (19mm oval is my main choice) and a parting tool. Expensive ones are great but as you will be learning to sharpen them the first set wont last as long as the second set!

You will need safety glasses and when sanding a dust mask, you can start with the paper ones but...

You will need abrasive and polish, it is important that some of your early work looks great, this helps the addiction take hold.

Once addicted the cost will be met, tools will accumulate and time evaporates.

Over time you will find yourself the owner of a chain saw, bandsaw, extraction system, a drawer full of finishing products, possibly an air brush, pillar drill, and.... but you will be happy  :)


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