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Question , What has 106 pages and 76 adverts ?

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Duncan A:
Personally, I find the content to be quite enough reading for the month. More than that and I'd probably end up not reading it all. It is nice to see articles by the professional turners that we meet at club demos, woodturning shows etc as it adds to the "community" in my view.
I also glance at the ads, and find them handy in seeing what's going on in the spinny world - even the American ones which often foretell of something about to arrive here.
Everyone is different, but I find it both interesting and useful - not to suggest that others are wrong in holding a different view of course.

Wood spinner:
How many times do I need to see a Sorby belt sharpner or a record lathe ?
I have a Sorby sharpener alread got one when they first come out years ago
And I am fortunate to have a far superior lathe

Its the same adds time and time and time and time and time again

A classified section would be good also what members make , unless no-one sends in any content ( I have had a item in the mag some years ago now ), Also in the UK I see no point in listing USA / other country events as I don't think many of us would fly all over the world . Maybe a subscribers competition , something that will  change ( In my opinion monotony )

rant over  ;D

David Buskell:

--- Quote from: Derek on December 21, 2019, 10:23:25 AM ---
--- Quote from: RichardS on December 21, 2019, 10:03:26 AM ---And a vast majority of the adverts are for items not necessarily available in the UK.


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That is because it is a worldwide read magazine and America is the biggest subscriber to it after the UK.

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Yes, that's right. Mark can't really ignore his second largest market, can he?

You would also be surprised how many Brits get to the shows in the USA and elsewhere. We can't go if we dont know about them, can we?

Paul Hannaby:

--- Quote from: Wood spinner on December 23, 2019, 02:13:17 PM ---A classified section would be good also what members make , unless no-one sends in any content ( I have had a item in the mag some years ago now ), Also in the UK I see no point in listing USA / other country events as I don't think many of us would fly all over the world . Maybe a subscribers competition , something that will  change ( In my opinion monotony )

rant over  ;D

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Doesn't the Woodturning mag regularly publish photos of items turned by members of the woodworkers institute forum? That's open to anyone who wants to participate.

I think the "Woodturning" magazine does carries classified ads but I suspect there aren't many because most people don't want to wait 3 months from insertion to publication to sell their stuff and these days there are faster and easier ways to sell.

Last year there was the "British Woodturner of the Year" competition, which was open to anyone (not just subscribers) but was organised by GMC publications. Alongside that, they also staged the two week exhibition and demonstrations on a variety of woodcrafts at the Oxo gallery in London.

Those who have been in the field long enough will remember there used to be "The woodturner" magazine as well as the "Woodturning" magazine. The publishers of "The Woodturner" decided it wasn't viable any more and merged it with "The Woodworker". GMC have managed to keep the "Woodturning" magazine going so I think you have to give them credit for that.

I don't know of any commercial magazines that don't carry adverts. They are both a service to readers who are interested in related products and a way of part funding the publication but if you aren't interested in the adverts, don't read them! Nobody is forcing you!

Even the AWGB "Revolutions" newsletter carries adverts, which I think is beneficial both for our readers and the association.


--- Quote from: Paul Hannaby on December 24, 2019, 01:36:34 AM ---

Doesn't the Woodturning mag regularly publish photos of items turned by members of the woodworkers institute forum? That's open to anyone who wants to participate.

--- End quote ---

It does I post on their forum and have quite a few of my pieces in the "From the Forum" in the magazine


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