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A wheely good idea


In an attempt to minimize our use of single-use plastics I no longer throw a bin bag away with every trip to the wheely bin. The trouble with loose refuse is it often contains drips and drops of non-solids, which then make their way down and succeed in gluing the bottom layer of detritus to the bin itself, ready to begin a festering fest.
What the hell has this weirdo thought got to do with woodyturning? I hear you ask.
Well old Brian Cleverclogs has started putting a 2"-3" layer of shavings into the bottom of the newly-emptied bin and the problem has disappeared completely. Remembering to replace the shavings after the bin men have called is the only difficulty I have found with the system.
Is that applause I hear Mr Attenborough?
Yours smuggly

Twisted Trees:
Pretty good idea, also something useful to do with shavings, though Mr Attenborough will reserve his applause for when you knit the shavings into bin bags!

The Bowler Hatted Turner:
I think that is a brilliant idea Brian and I have come up with one myself. On the TV they have just said that to control the Corona virus outbreak we should use tissues to blow our noses with and then burn them, I actually have very special shavings that help the tissues burn better so I may start bagging them up and selling them!! ;D ;D ;D

Round my way the council insist that refuse must be put in black plastic bags then put in the wheelie bin. They don't take it if it's loose . . . but I like your idea :)

The Bin Bags here are potato Starch so fully degradable


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