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Open Segmented Jig


Evening all, I’m afraid that my jig making skills are pretty much non existent. I’ve tried twice to make an open segment bowl jig and it’s just not happening for me. I saw one that some guy in Australia had made, but alas it still hasn’t happened for me yet. Has anyone got a jig they’d either be willing to sell or lend to me so I can give this little project I have in mind a go please?

Watch Earl Rasmussen on you tube. You can't go wrong.

good luck      Jonas

Yeah I’ve seen a lot of his stuff, but I do find him hard to follow and he mumbles a lot, I wish he’d speak a little clearer. Also with it being American, you get this wonderful cross over of imperial vs metric, I really wish it was one way or the other...

Twisted Trees:
Yes he can be a bit difficult to follow, but this jig size is not important  bit of 30mm MDF about 150mm wide and 450mm long piece of aluminium angle and a piece of steel bar about 12mm.

Look at the second one he makes with epoxy, much easier. You will need a drill press

Bottom line is it is a table that lines up with the chuck.

Richard Findley:
Sue Harker makes a jig which I used for an article a year or so ago:

Only about £20 and takes a lot of head scratching out of it all.



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