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Wood store rebuild

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Twisted Trees:
I trust you have followed the universal rule of all workshops and wood stores, i.e. built it exactly one third of the size it really should be...  ;D


--- Quote from: Twisted Trees on February 20, 2020, 11:28:15 PM ---I trust you have followed the universal rule of all workshops and wood stores, i.e. built it exactly one third of the size it really should be...  ;D

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Where it is restricts the size that I can make it but will soon fill it to the rafters

At last, the panels have the finish on and dry. They have just dried before it started to rain again.

Now all I need is a dry day no wind and someone to help put it up. How lucky will I be to get all three at the same time?

Twisted Trees:
Where are you Derek? If you are in reach of Bristol I can lend a hand but cant do much about the other 2 factors.


--- Quote from: Twisted Trees on February 25, 2020, 08:37:55 PM ---Where are you Derek? If you are in reach of Bristol I can lend a hand but cant do much about the other 2 factors.

--- End quote ---

Thanks for the offer, I am the other side of the country down in the south-east. I do have some club members as well as some family who said they would help. As I said just need to get all three in my favour ;D ;D ;D

I still have some bits to do before final assembly. I have managed to tidy the workshop so that if I get a day when rain stops work I can at least now turn a small item for a break


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