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Wood store rebuild

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Now I am really feeling the end is close the last side made today after having to fight the silly shoppers for the weekly shop, at least with a tool shop there is something worth looking at.

Did not put the finish on as the feather boards are too wet so decided to assemble and fix in place.

The shelf unit is back in properly now ready to be restocked from all the hiding places.

Taking a day off tomorrow at the turning club then Sunday onwards I will get the door complete and if lucky start moving everything back and then back to normal.

Twisted Trees:
Well done Derek, something extremely satisfying about making a useful building.


--- Quote from: Twisted Trees on March 07, 2020, 12:21:02 PM ---Well done Derek, something extremely satisfying about making a useful building.

--- End quote ---

Took a day off today and went to the turning club and watched David Lowe a very enjoyable day even though I could really have took the day finishing the store while it was dry.
Hopefully, tomorrow will allow me to finish then the move back in starts and I can clear the workshop

Bryan Milham:
Clearing the workshop, now there is a whole new project!


--- Quote from: dr4g0nfly on March 07, 2020, 08:24:16 PM ---Clearing the workshop, now there is a whole new project!

--- End quote ---

Only clear it of what I had to take out of the wood store while I rebuilt it then I can reach the ash bowl I have half turned which I started a month ago.


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