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Unknown wood

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Paul Hannaby:
Could it be laburnum?

Les Symonds:

--- Quote from: Paul Hannaby on February 19, 2020, 12:17:17 AM ---Could it be laburnum?

--- End quote ---
.....that would explain the occasionally paired growth rings; I have a lot of home grown laburnum in stock and much of it has this feature. I am told that if laburnum has a very successful year, growth wise, then it rests for the following year!


The Bowler Hatted Turner:
What about an odd cut of Osage Orange?

It is quite different to laburnum plus it is an offcut from a furniture designer so he wouldn't use laburnum. Osage orange I haven't a clue, not ever had that one. Got a student today but will try and get some unfinished shots in clser detail later.


laburnum is a possibility but i find it unlikely myself, nor do i think it is a bit of osage.

i'm thinking it may be a bit of robinia but need to see the wood in person really.

if you have an offcut pete you could send it to me in a jiffy bag if you really want it identifying.


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