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Setting up Demonstration Filiming

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Twisted Trees:

--- Quote from: burywoodturners on February 27, 2020, 04:50:25 PM ---Make sure you get the permission of the demonstrators before you start filming!

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Good point there is a world of difference between projecting an image for live viewing and saving those images as a film!

Mayo Mick:

--- Quote from: burywoodturners on February 27, 2020, 04:50:25 PM ---Make sure you get the permission of the demonstrators before you start filming!

--- End quote ---

I do all the photography and video in our chapter. It's the first thing I ask an outside demonstrator arfter introducing myself, is if its OK for recording and photograph. I intend at some point to put the demonstrations onto a dvd for chapter members to borrow to view back. Photos are used on our website and some are sent to our national guild for the quarterly magazine. I do explain this to each demonstrator beforehand. To date, no one has refused!

Re: video resolution, I'd recommend using HDMI cables for connecting cameras to tv's. 


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