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Can’t upload JPEG’s

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One in a while I come across a website that won’t accept my photos for upload. This sadly is one of those sites. I downloaded a couple of JPEG’s from my Photobucket page to upload here but the site says it can’t accept that file type. I don’t have this problem with any of my regular forums so what’s the problem here?

I keep my photos on my ocpmputer. Never had a problem uploading there. Make sure they are jpegs though.


They are JPEGs and upload just fine on other sites with the same sort of file restrictions.

Bryan Milham:
Photos you want to post must be under 2Mb each. With today's cameras, digital or phone, taking upto 13Mb images you will need to reduce them in size to post them.

I use a free program called Photoscape, you can use it to crop the bit you ant from the image,, then resize it, I normally go for 800 or 1000 pixels on the longer side.

Twisted Trees:
Almost definitely file size, I just use Windows paint and resize to 33% after cropping to what I want.


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