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Can’t upload JPEG’s

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Bryan Milham:
Paul, that was always an anomaly, jpg were allowed but jpeg not'

Bryan Milham:
Another thing that I've noticed.

If you try to upload a post with too big an image, you cannot delete the image, resize it and try again. You do have to delete the upload and start again. No idea why but I've had that happen to me at least twice.

I thought they were the same but apparently not quite. Although it does say they are used interchangeably unless you’re using an old windows system - why am I not surprised!

Bryan Milham:
You can however turn jpeg into jpg by selecting rename and deleting the 'e'.

You might need to select 'View File Types' from the 'Folder and Search Options' menu.


--- Quote from: dr4g0nfly on March 23, 2020, 07:48:14 PM ---You can however turn jpeg into jpg by selecting rename and deleting the 'e'.

--- End quote ---

Not on a tablet I think and I rarely use a desktop.


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