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want to talk turning?

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Twisted Trees:
I spent all day Saturday from 10am to 5pm in the company of up to 200 turners on the live demo done by Martin Saban-Smith, (I did post it on here) he is not the only demonstrator doing this. Yes the conversation is typed, yes I did spend a couple of hours of the demo with the tablet it was running on at that time perched on my bandsaw table while I got on with other things, so didn't interact.

But you know it did make me feel part of a community, While Martin was demonstrating questions got asked and answered and it didn't matter if you were answering or just reading it helped with this weird enforced isolation.

Having had a bone marrow transplant as part of cancer treatment, I already avoid people with infections, and in the winter that often leads me to spending days or sometimes a few weeks between house and workshop, but this feels different, and contact is good...

Martin is doing another live session on Tuesday night, his online events calendar is here: I know others with the kit are also putting their cancelled demo nights to use by doing live YouTube demo's if you know of any please add them to this thread.

As for sharing Email addresses, mine is already on my website, so I have no issue with putting it here as well, you can reach me on

i don't talk woodturning as such but i do talk wood species as anyone who knows anything about me knows that i am a bit of a brainbox on identifying timbers from all over the world.

pity no one is near slough (J7 of the M4) as you would be welcome to pop to the container and you can see more timbers than you will have ever clapped eyes on before and we could still keep 6-8' apart no problem.

Twisted Trees:

--- Quote from: seventhdevil on March 29, 2020, 08:02:03 PM ---i don't talk woodturning as such but i do talk wood species as anyone who knows anything about me knows that i am a bit of a brainbox on identifying timbers from all over the world.

pity no one is near slough (J7 of the M4) as you would be welcome to pop to the container and you can see more timbers than you will have ever clapped eyes on before and we could still keep 6-8' apart no problem.

--- End quote ---

I was lucky enough to get a tour of the containers, well worth popping in when passing, if we are allowed to travel again.

Paul Hannaby:
The AWGB are looking to host some online live chat (as in talking, not typing) sessions which you can log in and participate on a PC, Mac, phone or tablet with audio and optional video. More shortly once we get up and running...

Twisted Trees:

--- Quote from: Paul Hannaby on March 29, 2020, 11:36:49 PM ---The AWGB are looking to host some online live chat (as in talking, not typing) sessions which you can log in and participate on a PC, Mac, phone or tablet with audio and optional video. More shortly once we get up and running...

--- End quote ---

Problem with that is it descends into chaos quickly, we did it as a family today with 11 of us including 3 grandchildren, it was madness, but fun! at least with typing you can scroll up and down the chat a bit!


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