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Wood spinner:

Looking at his other work foir sale I assume it should be £350. Never know thoiugh someone might pay LOL.


Twisted Trees:
Why not, Tracey Emin can sell an unmade bed for £2.2 Million, on that basis this is a bargain! Though I suspect there was a stutter on the 0 key, I can only wish him the best of luck, adding that zero could do us all a power of good.

The seller is evidently not the maker, and is trying his hand at making a big profit from those gullible enough to think that ebay is cheap.
That said, if he does manage to convince the general public that woodturnings are worth this much, it can only help the rest of us trying to sell our work.

Unfortunately he has not sold any woodturnings to date, but then again he has only just started listing them. One to watch maybe?

Bryan Milham:
|I've got a big Elm blank in the workshop, if this sells I might get around to turning it


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